Holiday Miracle - JayBird182021 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)

~Christmas Eve~

Katsuki was sitting at the back of the room, smiling softly as his friends and colleagues mingled about, playing Christmas games, drinking, dancing, eating the hot pot everyone had made together, and just having fun. A light snow fell outside, the snow alight with different colors from the Christmas lights hanging from the Kirishima family home.

This year, Eijiro and Mina had offered to host, having just moved into their first family home.

Every Christmas, the only one that fails to show is Izuku. No one knows why, but Katsuki thinks he has a pretty good idea. Yet, every year the blonde holds out hope, even more so after the break up between Izuku and Ochako.

“Hey, Bro, having fun?” Eijiro asks, coming to sit beside his best friend, putting an arm over the blonde’s shoulder, careful of his hearing aids.

“More so since now I can just mute you guys when I want to.” Katsuki jests, smirking when the red head pouts playfully. “But, yes, it’s nice to see everyone…” He finishes, wistfully looking off towards the door.

“Well, almost everyone.” Eijiro says, finishing his thought. “Have you heard from him?”

“Not for a while.” Katsuki says sadly, smile fading.

“Hmm, it’s been a year since he and ‘Chako broke up.” The hardening hero says, thinking about how everyone was surprised the relationship lasted as long as it did, especially after Mina said what their place looked like, it was clear they were more of roommates than boyfriend and girlfriend.

“Whatever, not my problem.” The blonde grunts, downing the rest of his drink before standing, walking off towards the buffet.

Eijiro just shakes his head with a hopeless expression before he goes off to find his wife.

It’s an hour later when the front door to the cozy home opens and the room goes completely quiet. Katsuki is sitting at the table, looking over the account for Deku’s Mech suit when he finally notices the silence around him. From his position at the side of the room he can’t see past the crowd gathering at the front. Suddenly, the room explodes into a cheerful chaos. Despite his physique, the blonde is no taller than he was in high school, now as tall as only the girls, except Momo, who just smiles apologetically at him every time they have to stand side by side for a picture.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe you came!”

“It’s amazing to see you!”

“I’m so happy you showed up!”

“How have you been, man?!”

Shouted by a couple of his friends, while Katsuki is still unable to see who the new arrival is, until a deep baritone voice he hasn’t heard in person for over a year speaks up. A voice that will be forever ingrained in his soul and dreams.

“It’s great to be here. I’m sorry I haven’t shown up before, but… Is Kacchan here?” Everyone is silent as they clear a way for the blonde to finally meet the eyes of the only person who has ever held his heart, Izuku Midoriya.

The first thing the explosive hero notices is that the nerd looks amazing, buffer than when they were in high school and tall, like really, /really/, tall. The greenette is wearing a goofy holiday sweater with blue jeans, his wild curls no longer having that unkempt vibe but looks sexy as all hell now. Even his ears are pierced, holding black studs with an orange X through the center that makes Katsuki’s body tense in embarrassment, and arousal.

“Hey, Kacchan, Merry Christmas.” Izuku says with a soft, but anxious smile, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Eyes glance from the frozen blonde to the nervous green giant. They all share amused grins and hopeless eye rolls as they start talking again, asking Izuku what he’s been up to. Katsuki can do nothing but stare at him, cheeks red hot and mind running a million miles a minute.

‘Why is he here? Why now? Is he here for Ochako or me? Why is he here now?!’ The blonde thinks, finally sinking back down to earth as the music starts up again and everybody goes back to what they had been doing. Mina shows Izuku around the room, being a gratuitous host as Katsuki moves back to his spot in the corner, watching from afar anxiously.

“Are you okay, Katsuki?” A small voice asks, giving the blonde a jump scare.

When he eventually looks over to the source, he finds Ochako standing beside him, watching him concerned.

“Pink Cheeks, what are you doing over here?” He asks, righting himself.

“I saw you head back over here and wanted to check on you.”

“Why would you want to do that?”

The brunette chuckles weakly, looking from the other hero to the smiling greenette across the room, who's talking to Shoto and Hanta.

“Because you’re my friend but also because I know how you feel about him and you two have been falling out of touch the last couple of years. Between Izuku’s schooling then teaching, and you with your hero duties.” She says honestly, knowing not to beat around the bush with him.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Katsuki grunts, growing tired of the conversation.

Ochako groans, shaking her head. ‘Oh boy.’

“He’s here for you.” She admits, pausing to watch his reaction before starting up again. “We were never serious. I think we both just needed someone to love after everything that happened. I thought you two were going to get together, but when he pursued me, I was stunned and couldn’t help but accept.” She watches as his face goes from embarrassed to angry.

Katsuki knew he had no right to be mad at her when he had his chance but didn’t take it. He takes a deep breath, breathing out his anger at what he lost and thought he’d never have. He looks away from her, now just upset with himself.

“Doesn’t matter now.” He says dryly as he walks away, needing a distraction. Ochako watches him leave with a sad frown.

The night passes slowly for Katsuki, who can feel a heated gaze on him no matter where he is; dancing, playing games, drinking, then the night comes to an end.

“You sure you don’t want a ride home?” Denki asks as he wraps his arm tightly around his wife, Jirou, huddled together. The couple look to the tired explosive blonde, who can still feel the alcoholic buzz through his system.

“Naa, I live just a few blocks away, thanks anyway.” Katsuki says, slowly, before waving goodbye as he walks away, shoving his hands in his pockets.

The couple take their leave and he finally lets his guard down and the floodgates open.

‘Not a single word after he got there. What am I thinking, of course he’s not going to hang around the wallflower when he would rather be talking to everyone else. To people who can actually have a conversation with him.’ He thinks, his self loathing getting the better of him as he trudges through the snow.

~Earlier, Izuku~

It had taken far longer than Izuku would care to admit to find the perfect outfit and talk himself into actually going. It had been rough, the last 7 years since graduating from UA. He never meant to fall out of touch with everyone, but between classes to become a teacher and his therapy for his PTSD after the war, he let his demons win.

‘Tonight’s going to be different. I can do it. Plus… I really want to see Kacchan.’ He thinks as he grabs his keys and puts on his shoes, taking a couple of deep breaths before walking out the door.

The party went better than he had hoped, but there was one sore spot, Katsuki had barely acknowledged him and hadn’t said a word when he saw him. For the rest of the night, the greenette had struggled to find the right time to go talk to his life long crush and obsession, but it never seemed to be the right moment.

Izuku was sitting in his car a block away from the Kirishima home when he noticed a startling sight and a heartbreaking one, Katsuki walking during a beautiful winter night, crying softly, staring at the ground.

‘This won’t do.’ The greenette thinks as he gets out of his car and starts heading to the oblivious blonde, just in time to pull him out of the way of an oncoming car.

Katsuki was so wrapped up in his self-loathing that he didn't even notice the bright headlights or the car horn blaring. By the time he looks up it’s from strong arms wrapping around his waist to pull him away as the car zooms past. He’s wide eyed and panting, tears still subconsciously, slowly, falling from his eyes, and he can’t stop shaking.

“It’s okay, Kacchan, I got you. Are you okay?” Izuku asks, voice low but so deep the blonde can feel it rumble against his back through his thick winter jacket.

Katsuki’s head turns slowly to look behind him, not quite believing his ears when he hears that voice, but when his glassy scarlet eyes meet warm affectionate emerald ones, his breath stops in his throat.

“Izuku…” He breathes out, baffled.

Emerald eyes take in the shorter man with a worried expression, arms tightening around him carefully.

“Kacchan, what’s wrong?” Izuku asks again, but before he can get an answer, the storm starts to pick up, and he looks up at the rapidly falling snow. “We need to get you home.” He says, but when Katsuki doesn’t move, fear sets into his bones and he quickly scoops up the smaller man, forgetting his car, he walks the last 2 blocks to the blonde’s apartment building. Thankfully, the greenette had remembered where it was from when he had first helped Katsuki move in right after graduation, which honestly, confused the giant.

‘Kacchan's in the top 5, he makes more than enough money to afford a better place than this.’ Izuku thinks, opening the front door into the small, 1 bedroom, apartment.

Katsuki was curled up against the quirkless man’s chest, face pressed against a freckled neck. Carefully, Izuku removes their shoes and walks them over to the blonde’s bedroom before gently setting the hero down.

“Kacchan, please talk to me…” The greenette whispers when he sees the blonde still awake. Scarlet eyes look up, timidly meeting emerald ones before looking away with a light blush. Izuku chuckles, realizing that, for the first time ever, he was seeing Katsuki flustered. “We can talk later. Let’s get you ready for bed.”

“I can’t believe you’re here. Although, thinking about it, you’re probably just a hallucination.” Katsuki mutters as he easily allows Izuku to strip him, the greenette freezes before chuckling as he continues undressing the limp blonde.

“What makes you say that, Kacchan?”

“I know I’m more than buzzed. Especially after Sero challenged me to that drinking contest, which I won, of course!” Katsuki boasts smiling smugly as he watches a blushing freckled face try to /not/ stare at his naked body as scarred hands pull up a pair of Christmas pajama pants covered in little snowmen. “That paired with my desperation for your attention makes this a hallucination.” He finishes, closing his eyes when everything starts to spin.

“Why can’t this be real.” The taller man asks, hesitantly.

“If this was real, then that would mean you care about me, which after everything, I highly doubt.” The hero grumbles, clumsily pulling the blankets out from under him and over, tucking himself in. “Still, I can’t think of anything I’d want more for Christmas. Now get over here and cuddle me.”

Izuku can’t help the little chuckle that leaves his lips or his heart from aching because he did this. He had made the choice to distance himself from those he loves, from Katsuki, now he was paying the price.

Wordlessly, the greenette strips down to his boxers before walking around the bed and climbing in on the other side and moving over to spoon the sleeping blonde. Holding his love as close as possible, and for the first time since after the war and they had started seeking comfort from the other, before his mistake of asking Ochako out, he fell asleep peacefully. Not even his nightmares could reach him.

~Christmas Morning~

Katsuki had never been much of a drinker and this was why. He groans as he curls up tighter into the heat source behind him, trying to sooth the raging migraine banging against his skull and the feeling of vomit rising up his throat. It works for a minute, but eventually he has no choice but to get up and bolt for the bathroom. Not realizing the source of that incredible warmth moved too, that it had reached out for him.

When he felt the blonde rush off, Izuku had sat up abruptly in bed, mind still hazy with sleep as he groggily rubs his eyes before searching for his missing cuddle partner.

“Fuck, I really shouldn’t have drank so much. God, this tastes horrible.” Katsuki grumbles as he spits out the last of the vomit before trudging over to the sink to wash his mouth out. He spends a long time brushing his teeth and trying to erase the foul taste from mouth. He’s still so out of it, that he doesn’t even look around him before he stumbles back to bed, face planting into his pillow with an exhausted groan. “Least the hallucination is over. Like he’d actually care about my ugly ass.”

“I happen to find Kacchan very sexy, just so you know.” Izuku suddenly says, voice having a slight hint of disapproval. Katsuki jumps up in bed on all fours and screams before falling back off the bed, landing with a pained groan. “Kacchan!” He shouts, scrambling to look over the edge of the bed.

“Fuck, that hurt.” The hero groans, laying on his back, flat against the floor, the bed frame digging into his side, eyes scrunched closed in pain, and when they finally open, the first thing he sees is a beefy, shirtless, scarred up UA teacher looking down at him concerned. “I hit my head.”

“Are you okay, Kacchan?” The greenette asks worriedly, getting up and off the bed, and rushing to the blonde’s side, looking him over carefully, but the second those hands touch Katsuki, he’s jolting away, eyes wide in shock at the sudden realization that this was all real.

“Oh my god.” Katsuki breathed out, panicked.

“Kacchan, what’s wrong?”

This is real. Izuku is here, in his room, practically naked, and he's most certainly the one that changed Katsuki’s clothes because the blonde would never, not in a million years, wear the ugly ass pajama pants his parents bought him last Christmas to bed.

“You’re real. This can’t be happening.” The hero says, clearly beginning to panic as he scrambles to his feet, wincing from the beating his side took when he fell.

“Kacchan, what-” Izuku tries to ask something, but Katsuki can’t hear him over the ringing in his ears.

“You can’t be here, there’s no way you can be here.” The blonde says, starting to pace, fingers in his hair.

“What- why can’t I be here? Do you not want me here?” The greenette asks, mournfully, emerald eyes swirling with distress. He didn’t want to go and he was damn well going to fight to stay.

“Of course I want you here, but that doesn’t matter for shit! Why are /you/ here?!” Katsuki shouts, turning the tables on the giant man standing before him, finally stopping his pacing. His heart clenches at the sadness in those beautiful green eyes.

“Of course it matters! I’m here because I want to be here! I tried to talk to you last night, but you blew me off! Then I see you stumbling through the snow, crying, drunk, nearly getting yourself hit by a car, and you don’t expect me to help?!” Izuku shouts back, glaring down at the equally glaring blonde. They were more than an arms length away from each other.

“I expect you to do nothing! I ain’t your problem! You made it very clear you want nothing to do with me anymore!” Katsuki rages, taking a step forward.

“I never meant to push you away or make you feel like that!” The greenette yells back, taking a step forward.

“Then what /were/ you trying to do, huh?! Because it sure as hell feels like you want nothing to do with me on this end!”

“That’s what I’m trying to fix! That’s why I went last night! I wanted to see you and fix what I broke between us, to get back to where we were and should have gone!”

Each time one of them speaks, they take a step forward, now they are no more than foot from each other, both glaring with something deeper behind their intense expression.

“Where we were?! What the hell are you talking about?!” The blonde can feel his heart in his throat, racing so fast it hurts. At one point in his life, Katsuki thought he was fine with just being Izuku’s friend, but now… there was no way he could go back to that.

They stare at each other for a second, both panting from the argument. Hesitantly, the greenette takes a tentative step forward and raises his hands to cup the hero’s cheeks like he’s something precious.

“I’m talking about… how every night we would curl up in bed together and wake up in each other’s arms, we trained together, we did everything together, then… Kacchan you were my everything and then I made a horrible mistake. I thought… that day I asked Ochako out, I had planned on asking you instead, but then I got scared. I started second guessing my decision and my heart couldn’t take it if you said no, so I pursued her instead.” Izuku’s confession throws Katsuki for a loop. He can’t believe his ears.

They stand practically chest to chest, their eyes never leaving the other, all the rage and anger long gone. The air is thick with tension, a feeling buzzing between them that Katsuki refuses to acknowledge first.

“Doesn’t explain why all of the sudden you suddenly remember I exist.” The blonde grumbles, refusing to look away first.

“I’ve never forgotten you Kacchan and I’ve always missed you, but… you’re right, there was something that happened that made me realize I didn’t want to waste anymore time.” The greenette says, slowly leaning down, bending over slightly so their noses can touch. “One of the kids in my class, their quirk allows their victim to see their worst fear…” Scarlet eyes go wide. “I saw you die. It was like that day all over again, but this time, I could do nothing but sit in a classroom while you died on national TV.” Tears start falling from scared emerald eyes, pain and heartache lacing his words.

“I-” Katsuki starts, at a loss for words, when he feels a warm breath fan over his face, the scent of something spicy hitting his nose. “This better not be some sick joke or a ‘once and done’ sort of deal, because if you kiss me, Izuku, there will be no going back. You’ll be stuck with me, forever.” He rambles out, trying to sound confident, but he knows his voice betrays him, showing just how scared he really is, how desperate he is for this to all be real.

“Is this your Christmas wish?” The sudden change of subject throws the blonde for a loop, once again, making him snap out of his daze and pull away, annoyed.

“My Christmas wish? Where the fuck did that come from?! I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you and you bring up some childish… thing?! What the fuck?!” Katsuki’s pissed, beyond pissed. ‘Wass he just joking with me?! Messing with my feelings so he can get what he wants and leave?!’

Emerald eyes expand and he freezes in his spot, just now realizing something very important and that he may have just fucked up beyond repair.

“Kacchan, last night, at the party-” Izuku starts, straightening his back, settling his hands on pale shoulders when Katsuki interrupts him.

“You what? Thought that this would be a good way to get back at me? To make me finally pay for what I did to you growing up?!”

“No, Kacchan, I was trying to say-”

“You know what, I get it, you just wanted to see if you could still fool me, well, ha-ha, there you’ve had your laugh now getting out!” Tears were falling rapidly down Katsuki’s cheeks, barely able to contain his sobs as he turned around, hugging himself. He hears heavy footsteps walk over to him, thinking that Izuku is leaving when suddenly he’s harshly turned around and forced to face the frustrated and equally crying greenette.

“You would just fucking listen for once! I was trying to say how last night, we were all sitting around and writing down our Christmas wishes, and putting them in the fire, sending them off to the heavens. Everyone said what they wanted, except you. That’s what I was getting at and asking you about.” Izuku rambles swiftly, worried the blonde would interrupt him again.

“You… but I don’t… I don’t remember that…” The hero mumbles, tears drying up and his sadness forgotten, leaving just absolute embarrassment behind. ‘What have I done?!’

“I’m not surprised. It was before we all left and you were already quite drunk.” The greenette chuckles, crooked finger going back to gently hold a sharp jaw, his thumbs softly wiping away his tears.

“You could have just said so before.” Katsuki grumbles, arms still crossed, glaring childishly up at the dramatic giant.

“Me?! You wouldn’t let me get a full sentence out!” Izuku exclaims dramatically, flinching away, but still holding his love’s face affectionately.

“Well… still your fault.” He grumbles out, pouting.

“Ya, sure. Anyway, are you going to tell me what you wished for? Or should I punish you for interrupting me first?”

The blonde opens his mouth to sass back until his face goes a vibrate red all the way up to the tips of his ears. Fuck, just the thought of those large, scarred hands spanking him was doing things for him, but he shakes his head, attempting to clear the unwanted thoughts until he’s sure this isn’t going to be a ‘casual’ or ‘one time’ thing.

“Why should I tell you?” Katsuki gets out, face still warm.

“Because, if you do, I’ll do whatever it takes to make it come true.” Izuku’s words sound dangerously like a promise, a promise the hero is willing to take full advantage of.

“I wished that you loved me back and would finally ask me to marry you.” The blonde says, scarlet eyes searching a freckled face for a sign of anything. Something to at least give him a hint what the quirkless man is thinking.

In all honesty, Katsuki was fully expecting to get laughed at, or at the very least punched, what he wasn’t expecting is for the greenette turn around, collect something from his pants, then walk back over to the confused blonde and, with one massive hand, pull him in for a passionate kiss. Breaking right through the explosive man’s lips, right to the prize that lay beyond. He squeaks into the kiss, scarlet eyes round before fluttering closed, letting out a soft moan as he relaxes into the kiss.

Too enthralled with the mouth he’s stared at throughout high school, way more than he will ever admit, Katsuki doesn’t notice large hands moving down his body and picking him up. When his feet leave the ground he opens his eyes and pulls away, confused.

“Where are you taking me?!” He shrieks, grabbing on tightly to Izuku’s shoulders, glowering at the smug greenette.

“To the bed, unless you want me to make love to you on the floor?” The teacher asks, taking a few quick strides to the queen sized bed, eagerly laying the stunned blonde down, before scarlet eyes blink back the shock and glare up.

“I said LOVE ME BACK! Not fuck me! Who do you think you are to fuck me before anything else?! I’m not some cheap whore!” Katsuki yells, shoving the bewildered greenette off him and his bed. He sits up on his knees, waiting for his answer. “Well?!”

“I-” Izuku is beyond stunned. He looks over the angry blonde. “I was going to make love to you, not just a quick fuck.” He says dumbly, frozen, standing at the edge of the bed, wide eyed.

“That’s not what I wished for! If you are going to be an ass and lie to me to try and claim my virginity for yourself then you can leave!” Katsuki can’t believe it! He’d stupidly taken the risk and told Izuku his biggest secret! And now he's crying, again! He stomped over to the greenette’s clothes collecting them.

“Wait, Kacchan, let me explain-” Izuku starts, rushing over only to be interrupted.

“I think you’ve done enough! Here, take your clothes and go home!” The blonde says, trying to sound threatening, but the broken sob in his voice takes all the bite away. He shoves the wrinkled clothes into a freckled chest, trying to /not/ think about how firm it is.

“Kacchan, wait, let me fin-”

“You’ve said enough, Deku!”

“Katsuki, stop!” Izuku suddenly screams, halfway across the small living room, 2 smaller hands against his back, his clothes still in his arms. Abruptly, he turns around to face the flabbergasted blonde, now wearing his own glare. “Fuck, I was trying to be romantic, like in those stupid romcoms, but clearly that was a bad idea. A horrible, terrible, bad idea.” He grumbles, dropping his stuff, a hand running down his tired face, the other still holding the small object he had retrieved from his pants.

“No shit!” The hero screams, throwing his arms in the air. “Then what /were/ you trying to do, shitty nerd?”

Izuku can’t help but smile faintly, eyes softening.

“I was trying to physically show you how much I love you.” He says softly, taking a step forward to, once again, affectionately cup a pale cheek with one hand. Scarlet eyes tracking his every move clinically. “Kiss away all your fear and pain as I slowly slipped something onto your finger.” Blonde eyebrows shoot up in astonishment as the greenette’s other hand comes up and opens, showing a dainty engagement ring, making his jaw drop.

“What- why do you have that?” Katsuki finally manages to say, eyes never leaving the beautifully crafted gold band with a medium sized diamond surrounded by emeralds.

“I bought this before we graduated from UA. I was walking by a jewelry store when I saw it and I just /knew/ I had to buy it.” The taller man admits softly, hope blooming in his chest, only to be back handed by a soft face going from open and pleading to disgusted.

“So, this is Uraraka’s ring? Why the fuck are you showing me this?” The blonde whimpers. ‘Oh great, the tears are back.’

“No! I didn’t buy this for her! Never for her! We didn’t start dating until the 5 year reunion!” Izuku says, flustered, and offended that his love would ever think such a thing. ‘But, he does have the right to think that after everything I’ve put him through.’ He thinks grimly, wincing.

Katsuki tried not to think of that night 2 years ago. He looks away, ashamed. Just because he had that one minor, /major/, failure shouldn’t shape his life. Not that he would admit it always has.

“You’re point? Why did you buy an engagement ring, if you didn’t have someone to give it to?” The blonde asks, snarkily, hugging himself.

Izuku’s eyes soften, body relaxing just slightly as he grabs Katsuki’s left hand and slowly, tentatively, starts sliding the ring on.

“For you. I bought it for you.” The greenette’s answer makes the hero’s breath hitch and a new brand of tears build behind his baffled scarlet eyes. Not hearing a no, Izuku continues to slide the ring onto his finger. Once the ring is all the way on, do emerald and scarlet eyes meet. “So what do you say, Kacchan? Now that you know I’m not making fun of you, will you marry me?”

‘Did he seriously just ask me to marry him? Did I hear him right? Oh my god, is this really happening?’ Katsuki thinks, his mind racing as he stares down at his finger, heart skipping a beat at the sight of the delicate ring. ‘It’s perfect.’

~New Years Eve~

Just like every year, the Bakugous and Midoriyas got together to celebrate new years, but unlike years past, this time Katsuki didn’t show up alone.

“Izuku! What a surprise!” Mitsuki cheers, rushing to hug the green giant, completely forgetting about her scowling son standing to the man’s right. “It’s wonderful that you can join us this year!”

“I don’t think Kacchan would have forgiven me if I made him come alone.” Izuku says, smiling sheepishly as he looks down at his lover, who’s still glaring at his mother.

“You came with Katsuki?!” Mitsuki yells, flabbergasted, her head snapping over to look at the younger blonde. “You two came together?! Oh my god! Inko, Masaru, it happened!” She squeals when she sees the engagement ring on her son’s finger before turning around and rushing into the living room to gossip.

“Fucking Hag.” Katsuki grumbles, sourly.

Izuku chuckles, putting an arm around his fiance, kissing the top of his head lovingly.

“She means well, plus, you’re the one that wanted to use this occasion to announce it to our parents.” The greenette whispers to the hero, forehead resting against the side of blonde spikes.

Katsuki grumbles a string of half-hearted curses, snuggling into the teacher’s side, face blushing slightly.

“Get in here, you two!” Mitsuki shrieks, summoning the couple.

The night is a celebration, for the new year, and for Izuku and Katsuki’s engagement. Inko cries tears of joy, Mitsuki goes wedding planning crazy, and Masaru sits back and smiles fondly as he slowly drinks his champagne. It’s after midnight when the young couple get home, both exhausted, but there is one more surprise waiting for them.

“Thank god that’s over.” Katsuki sighs, leaning against the door as he shucks off his shoes, the smiling greenette beside him. After they aired everything out, and made out for a good hour, the hero not wanting to go any further yet, they had agreed to move into Izuku’s apartment which is closer to UA and Katsuki’s agency. Plus, it’s 3x the size of the blonde’s shoe box of an apartment.

“Not quite.” Izuku grins, looking down at the confused blonde. He nods towards the hallway leading to their bedroom.

A blonde eyebrow shoots up in suspicion when he turns to see rose petals leading down the hall. Curiously, he follows them, not paying attention to heavy footsteps behind him, or the sound of clothing being shucked off.

‘What the hell is he planning?’ Katsuki thinks, walking past the door frame of their bedroom to see the room decorated with candles and delicate flower petals.

“I know you said you wanted to wait, but that doesn’t mean I can’t show you how much I love you.” A soft voice says from behind the stunned blonde. Katsuki turns around slowly to find Izuku standing there wearing the new Dynamight brand lingerie. A black bustier with orange, criss cross stitching, with matching panties, and a green garter holding up black stockings.

“I- I- umm, you-” Katsuki stutters, face red hot as he looks the sexy greenette up and down, his cock rock hard in his jeans. “This is for me?” He finally says, dumbly.

“Only for you.” Izuku purrs, cockily striding over towards the drooling, horny blonde. Without another word, the hero is on him, callused hands roaming over taunt, hard earned muscle.

“Looks like I wasn’t the only one planning something.” The smaller male says breathy and needy, sultry scarlet eyes looking up through long blonde lashes.

Now it was Izuku’s turn to become flustered as his eyes looked curiously down at Katsuki, eager to discover what the blonde was talking about. He doesn’t miss a beat as his love walks over to their bed, sensually stripping as he goes, his breath hitching when Katsuki kneels on their bed back facing the horny greenette. With calculated, and nervous, fingers, he spreads his asscheeks to reveal an emerald stubbed buttplug.

“Fuck, baby, you didn’t.” Izuku breathes out erotically, whining when the blonde looks over his shoulder at him, timidly, cheeks a rosy hue.

“Anything for you, Izuku.”

The UA teacher might have thought he had the upper hand and would be the one being devoured, but damn was he wrong. It was like all the sexual tension between them from their entire lives had finally been unleashed. What they had thought would be a planned, loving night is now anything but.

Greedy lips meet as pale hands move to quickly pull the delicate fabric from scarred skin. Izuku’s lips move away from Katsuki's as he kisses down a soft neck to suck and bite all the way to strong shoulders. The blonde moans wantonly, arching into the greenette’s touches, he pulls away the last piece of clothing from the quirkless man.

The room heats up as Katsuki is gently laid back on the bed, hands instantly reaching for freckled skin moving to settle in between his spread legs. Izuku’s hands glide over him, smirking smugly, emerald eyes swirling with desire.

“Izuku, please.” The hero whines, begging.

“Don’t worry, Kacchan, we have all the time in the world.” The greenette coos, kissing down the blonde’s thighs, leaving little love bites as he goes, satisfaction rolling through him in waves with every cry of need his fiance lets out, Katsuki’s body trembling under his touches.

Before the hero can say a snarky remark, or beg, something hot and wet encompasses his cock, making his back arch off the bed as he moans wantonly, eyes wide and head thrown back.

“Izuku!” The greenette groans around him, hollowing out his cheeks as his tongue curls around Katsuki’s cock, making the hero reach down with one hand and tighten his fingers around wild green curls. Izuku grins around the appendage, eyes flicking up to watch the blonde fall apart, but his cockiness falls away when wicked scarlet eyes meet his wide emerald ones. “Take this as revenge for giving me a heart attack on Christmas.” The hero growls, smirking wickedly as he starts forcing Izuku on and off his cock, face fucking him at a rapid pace.

Tears start to sting emerald eyes as he struggles to breath. Izuku never thought he had a choking kink, but damn, he did now. His cock throbs between his legs, bouncing uselessly as Katsuki chases his release, fingers tightening, entire body vibrating with his impending climax. The greenette can feel the tip of his lover’s cock hitting the back of his throat.

He’s close, Katsuki could feel his balls tightening and the coil in his hut just about ready to snap. Forcing the teacher on and off his cock a few more strokes before he finally climaxes, his vision going white as he cums right down the greenette’s throat, Izuku dutifully drinking down every last drop. The blonde can’t remember if he saw heaven when he died, but if he did, he’s sure it felt and looked like this. His entire body tingles more than it ever has when he used to masturbate.

“Fuck, even your cum tastes sweet.” Izuku groans, voice raw as he sits back on his knees, panting.

“That… was.. Amazing.” Katsuki moans out, eyelids growing heavy, his body limp.

“You better not fall asleep on me now, we still haven’t gotten to the main course.” The greenette smirks seductively, pulling the hero’s legs over his thighs to get a good look at the ass he’s dreamed about for /years/.

Katsuki barely registers his body being moved around until the plug starts to wiggle, making him whine. His eyes fly open when he feels it being removed abruptly only to be replaced with something warm and blunt.

‘This is really happening. I’m about to have sex with Izuku.’ He thinks, his breathing already picking up.

“I need you to relax, baby, unless you want me to stop?” The giant asks softly, emerald eyes searching the blonde’s face carefully. When Katsuki doesn’t reply, he starts to pull back, second guessing his decision, but then the hero’s head snaps up to look at him, frantic hands reaching for him again.

“Please, don’t stop! I want this, I promise, just… slowly… please.” Katsuki exclaims, relaxing slightly when the greenette smiles lovingly at him, petting his legs again.

“Okay.” Izuku answers before moving back into position and slowly starts to push in again.

The blonde takes a deep breaths in through his nose as a cock bigger than any of his dildos pushes past his rim. But damn if it didn’t feel amazing, he felt so full, so amazingly, and fantastically full.

“Fuck.” Katsuki moans out, hips dying to move, to get the rest of the greenette inside him.

Izuku groans in tandem, hands tightening on pale hips. When he’s finally fully sheathed inside his beloved Kacchan, he throws his head back and moans, allowing the blonde to adjust to his size.

“For the love of god, move!” The hero cries out, fisting the blanket under him, his cock once again rock hard. The pain from the oversensitivity after just cumming only makes the pleasure that much more nerve shattering.

The giant greenette wastes no time pistoning his hips against slim ones, nearly dropping the ball at finally being one with his soul mate. Groaning and growling like a wild animal as his cockhead curves perfectly inside the blonde, beating right up to Katsuki’s prostate, making the hero scream in ecstasy, tears of pleasure rolling down his cheeks.

“Fuck, you feel so good! Squeezing me just right! Fuck, almost there!” Izuku groans, hands slamming down on either side of the hero’s head, a head of blonde spikes instantly shooting up to smash their lips together in a messy open mouthed kiss. Small hands reach up, tangling in green locks as Izuku’s thrusts get sloppy. Katsuki’s cock stands neglected, pre cum sliding down his shaft, his tip brushing against freckled abs making him wince and whine pathetically in oversensitivity.

“Me too, me too, please, Izu, make me cum! Please cum inside, inside me!” Katsuki cries out, pulling Izuku as close as possible just as he falls over the edge, screaming out his orgasm, nails raking down the greenette’s scarred back.

The sudden tight grip around his cock pushes Izuku over, giving one more powerful thrust before cumming deep within his lover, shock waves of mind shattering pleasure rolling through him. He winces, grunting deep in his throat as he gives a couple shallow thrusts before stopping, collapsing down to his elbows over the panting blonde.

“Fuck that was-” Katsuki breathes out, practically purring.

“Amazing, absolutely, positively, amazing.” The greenette finishes for him, smiling down at the blissed out hero under him, the duo still connected. “Was it worth the wait?” He asks anxiously.

“Fuck yes.” Katsuki sighs, finally opening his eyes, not realizing he had closed them. “Was it for you? I know you’ve probably had sex before, but… I hope I wasn’t too bad.” He says, incredibly self conscious, not knowing why he brought up something he really /doesn’t/ want to know the answer to.

Emerald eyes look over his face, searching as to how to best answer him. Izuku’s face softens, a sad frown setting in.

“Nothing with Kacchan could be bad, in the slightest. As for the other thing… no Kacchan isn’t my first, but I really wish he was. I never should have gone as far as I did with her and I’ll forever regret that you weren’t my first, but I can’t tell you how happy I am that I’m Kacchan’s first… and hopefully only.” Izuku says, gently, reaching one hand up to cup the blonde’s jaw, his thumb wiping away a stray tear the hero didn’t even know had slipped free.

Katsuki smiles up at him, wrapping his arms around the greenette’s neck, pulling him close.

“One and only forever and always, nerd.” The blonde whispers lovingly, smiling brighter when Izuku hugs him back, leaving no space between them.

They might have lost each other along the way, but now they will never be apart again. Career or at home, together forever.


Holiday Miracle - JayBird182021 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6572

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.