Niknax - Discworld MUD Wiki (2024)

Niknax has a shop on the underdocks, underneath the dockside market in Ephebe. He claims he is a legitimate businessman.

The shop below uses ambergris as currency and is protected from shoplifting by shadows.

If "You've been upsetting the wrong crowd", all purchases will cost 1 ambergris extra.

Price (ambergris) Short name Description Length Width Material Type Weight Holds lb Holds items Notes1 slim clear vial of sea serpent venom This is a small, slim glass vial, about the length of your thumb.

It has a small label stuck on it.

&&&&&&+1502 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass sea substance &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 4 1 shots, poison applied to sea serpent fang2 slim clear vial of dire seaweed extract This is a small, slim glass vial, about the length of your thumb.

It has a small label stuck on it.

&&&&&&+1502 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass sea substance &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 4 1 shots, increases gp regeneration1 slim clear vial of kraken blood This is a small, slim glass vial, about the length of your thumb.

It has a small label stuck on it.

&&&&&&+1502 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass sea substance &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 4 1 shots, Breathe Underwater3 slim clear vial of kraken sweat This is a small, slim glass vial, about the length of your thumb.

It has a small label stuck on it.

&&&&&&+1502 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass sea substance &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 4 1 shots, slime shield1 slim clear vial of kraken tears This is a small, slim glass vial, about the length of your thumb.

It has a small label stuck on it.

&&&&&&+1502 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass sea substance &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 4 1 shots, Dark Sight3 glass ink well of smuggler black ink This ink well is a small glass bottle with a wide mouth and a close-fitting stopper. Helpfully, it's got a little plaque on the side saying "INK" in big letters, so you don't forget.

It is closed.

&&&&&&&+751 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass ink &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 6 3 shots3 glass ink well of Circle Sea blue ink This ink well is a small glass bottle with a wide mouth and a close-fitting stopper. Helpfully, it's got a little plaque on the side saying "INK" in big letters, so you don't forget.

It is closed.

&&&&&&&+751 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass ink &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 6 3 shots3 glass ink well of sea serpent venom black ink This ink well is a small glass bottle with a wide mouth and a close-fitting stopper. Helpfully, it's got a little plaque on the side saying "INK" in big letters, so you don't forget.

It is closed.

&&&&&&&+751 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass ink &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 6 3 shots3 glass ink well of sea serpent cerulean ink This ink well is a small glass bottle with a wide mouth and a close-fitting stopper. Helpfully, it's got a little plaque on the side saying "INK" in big letters, so you don't forget.

It is closed.

&&&&&&&+751 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass ink &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 6 3 shots3 glass ink well of St Ungulant's Fire blue ink This ink well is a small glass bottle with a wide mouth and a close-fitting stopper. Helpfully, it's got a little plaque on the side saying "INK" in big letters, so you don't forget.

It is closed.

&&&&&&&+751 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass ink &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 6 3 shots3 glass ink well of seaweed green ink This ink well is a small glass bottle with a wide mouth and a close-fitting stopper. Helpfully, it's got a little plaque on the side saying "INK" in big letters, so you don't forget.

It is closed.

&&&&&&&+751 " &&&&&&&+751 " glass ink &&&&&&+4501/2 lb &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 6 3 shots6 axe that marks the spot This double-bladed axe seems to have a treasure map carefully engraved across its flat side, stretching from one blade to the other - a legacy of the infamous Brownbeard the Literal, whose signature is etched in the corner. Its darkened steel and black silk-wrapped handle hint at a more stealthy design than most axes, ruined by the later engraving cutting through its dark coating and lighting up the lines and dots of its map in bright uncoated steel. It does look pretty, at least.&&&&&+22502 1/2 ' &&&&&&+4506 " klatchian steel fighting axe &&&&&+30003 3/9 lb - - 6 jagged coral dirk This long, double-edged knife is made entirely out of translucent orange-pink coral. It looks like it was somehow grown in this shape, its edges as jagged and its hilt as rough as any piece of coral fresh out of the ocean.&&&&&&+9001 ' &&&&&&&+751 " sacred coral fighting dagger &&&&&+10001 1/9 lb - - 6 seafoam whip This is a long ribbon of clear water that, somehow, follows the movement of the handle it's attached to like a whip blown from glass. Unlike a whip, however, its transparency makes it harder to avoid and the way it passes through itself without getting tangled allows for unexpected attacks from odd angles. Its round octiron handle is covered with swirling watery engravings that both serve as decoration and give it a nice grip.

Thin wavery threads of octarine flow through the length of the whip from the handle to the tip.

&&&&&+45005 ' &&&&&&&+751 " octiron fighting flail &&&&&+23002 5/9 lb - - 6 highly illegal greatsword This greatsword exudes an aura of lawlessness. Perhaps it's the incredible size that makes it hardly fit through doorways (against city regulations, surely) or the serrated edge designed to cleave through armour and tear flesh (no doubt banned by weapon treaties). It might be the way the blade is blackened for what semblance of stealth one can achieve with a massive greatsword (simply suspicious!), or the grinning skull on the pommel surrounded by a profusion of spikes (no sword that looks like that could be up to anything good). Regardless, it looks just like the kind of greatsword a thief would wield if thieves wielded greatswords.&&&&&+36004 ' &&&&&&+4506 " klatchian steel fighting heavy-sword &&&&&+40004 4/9 lb - - 6 ship's wheel This is a large teak steering wheel of the sort usually mounted on ships. Eight spokes run from the hole in the middle, where an axle would normally be attached, out to the rim, where they serve as handles with which to turn the wheel.&&&&&+27003 ' &&&&&&+3004 " wood / iron fighting misc &&&&&+40004 4/9 lb - - 6 darkened trident Suitable for a three-pronged approach, this darkened steel trident will follow the main thrust of your argument and engage your opponents with a devastating series of excellent points - getting the point across, hammering the point in and generally making sure they get the point. Any attempts to fight back will be met with a piercing rebuttal, leaving your defeated foes feeling shafted.&&&&&+54006 ' &&&&&&+1502 " klatchian steel fighting polearm &&&&&+48005 3/9 lb - - 6 sea serpent fang This is, essentially, the three-foot-long sharpened fang of a sea serpent on a hilt. Hard as steel and a quarter the weight, these weapons are traditionally wielded by sea serpents against sailors; clearly, its former owner bit off a little more than it could chew. The hooked curve that once prevented prey from escaping makes this sword an excellent slashing weapon, while the groove that used to hold venom still runs down the middle of the blade, stained faintly black. Its hilt is utilitarian, plain steel wrapped in black silk with a curved crossguard.&&&&&+27003 ' &&&&&&+1502 " sea serpent enamel fighting sword &&&&&+17001 8/9 lb - - 6 coral-etched verge This is a ceremonial rod used to maintain order during religious functions, serving as both a symbol of its wielder's authority and a heavy stick with which to hit especially unruly followers about the head. The shaft appears to have been eaten away by industrious polyps, with several sections of its salt-stained ironwood having been replaced with pale yellow coral forming complex geometric patterns all the way down its length. At the top of the rod is a hefty and rather pointy lump of coral that looks like it was just broken off a reef, turning it into an unusual warhammer of a sort.

It looks like it could hold two rituals in its coral section and ironwood section.
The coral section is empty and is linked to the ironwood section.
The ironwood section is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the coral-etched verge.

&&&&&+36004 ' &&&&&&+4506 " sacred coral fighting mace / faith rod: table &&&&&+42004 6/9 lb - - 6 squirming black tentacle This foot-long tentacle has, presumably, been cut off some large, tentacled creature. Somehow, it seems to still be alive. Two rows of suckers run along its slick midnight black skin from the pointy tip down to the severed end.

Writhing octarine light spills from it, barely contained by its physical boundaries.

&&&&&&+9001 ' &&&&&&+1502 " slick black flesh fighting unarmed &&&&&&+5005/9 lb - - replaces one hand6 steel harpoon This six-foot-long harpoon is forged out of a single piece of steel, making it quite a bit heavier but pack more of a punch than the traditional wooden-shafted ones. On its business end is a sharp steel tip with the distinctive hooked edge that allows harpoons to embed themselves into flesh, and on its other end is a long rope, meant for pulling back the harpoon after a throw.&&&&&+54006 ' &&&&&&&+751 " steel fighting thrown / polearm &&&&&+32003 5/9 lb - - 6 giant turtle shell This large, domed shell is taller than a man and covered in whorled yellow and green patterns. Scarred by many small dents and scratches, it looks like its previous owner got a lot of use out of it. Its inner surface is bleached white with the spine still attached, forming a natural, if morbid, handhold.&&&&&+63007 ' &&&&&+45005 ' giant turtle keratin shield &&&&+1550017 2/9 lb - - 6 sea serpent scale This short robe is layered in diamond-shaped gleaming silver scales, some of which are as big as dinner plates. Despite being incredibly thin and light, the scales are as hard as steel and look like they could turn aside a blade or two.&&&&&+40504 1/2 ' &&&&&+13501 1/2 ' cloth / sea serpent scale wearable armour &&&&&+40004 4/9 lb - - hauberk layer6 pair of smuggler's seaboots This is a pair of seaboots any smuggler would be proud to wear. The leather of its body is sourced from the exotic and highly dangerous sea serpent, whose hide tans to a lovely deep russet once you've gotten all the scales off. One of these scales, diamond-shaped and hard as steel but a quarter the weight, caps the toe of the boot. The subtle scent of sea salt hangs about it like a memory, while its slight heel gives its wearer a certain nautical swagger to their walk. Just from looking at it, you can tell it costs a fortune.&&&&&&+6759 " &&&&&&+3004 " leather wearable armour &&&&&&+2002/9 lb - - smuggling outfit, boots layer6 smuggler's longcoat This is every bit a smuggler's longcoat. Warm, durable and waterproof, this coat is fashioned from gloriously smooth silk that whispers as it moves with mother-of-pearl buttons that glimmer in the light. It's dyed black, as is customary for smugglers, but a grand shade of black that looks like it has all the other colours woven into it. The subtle scent of sea salt hangs about it like a memory, while its abundance of hidden pockets does nothing to stop it from billowing dramatically about the wearer at the slightest hint of a breeze. Just from looking at it, you can tell it costs a fortune.

The smuggler's longcoat has two outside pockets, two inside pockets and twelve hidden pockets.

&&&&&+36004 ' &&&&&+18002 ' silk wearable clothes with pockets &&&&&&+5005/9 lb &&&&&+27003 lb 22 smuggling outfit, lustrous black, cloak layer6 smuggler's tricorn This three-cornered hat is a vital swashbuckling accessory for any smuggler. Made of fine black Ecksian wool from the remote continent of Fourecks, it'll keep the sun off your head during the day, your ears warm at night, and the rain out of your eyes in a storm. Its edges are trimmed with white fur and accented with gold braid. The subtle scent of sea salt hangs about it like a memory, while a red-gold feather with a glowing tip is set into its top, casting a faint but warm light about its wearer. Just from looking at it, you can tell it costs a fortune.

The smuggler's tricorn has one hidden pocket.

&&&&&&+6759 " &&&&&&+3004 " leather wearable clothes with pockets &&&&&&+3003/9 lb &&&&&&+9001 lb 12 smuggling outfit, hat layer6 smuggler's lingerie Clingy, extremely comfortable, and flattering no matter who's wearing it, this practical yet appealing set of black silk lingerie is perfect for wearing underneath the rest of a stylish smuggler's outfit (and not, for example, lying around seductively on the deck of a heaving ship or anything ridiculous like that). Yet, it carries the scent of sea salt like a memory. Why?&&&&&&+3004 " &&&&&&+4506 " silk wearable clothes &&&&&&+2002/9 lb - - smuggling outfit, underwear layer9 navigator's sextant This little nautical instrument is commonly used for finding one's location at sea. In the hands of a skilled navigator, this is an invaluable tool; in the hands of an unskilled one, at least it looks suitably impressive to prop up one's confidence. Embossed in the golden metal is the three-squares-in-a-triangle of the Mostly Legitimate Commerce Company.&&&&&&+4506 " &&&&&&+1502 " gold tool &&&&&&+3003/9 lb - - held it allows you to see the ship position when looking at the stars or sun9 engineer's brush This oxhair brush looks used. Its stiff bristles, meant for use on scale, are a little worn; its wooden handle, coated with fire-resistant varnish, is a little singed; and it smells, unmistakeably and sulphurically, like dragon. This might be an upside, if you happen to come across the dragons that this brush was used on. Embossed on its handle is the three-squares-in-a-triangle of the Mostly Legitimate Commerce Company.&&&&&&+4506 " &&&&&&+1502 " wood / oxhair tool &&&&&&+3003/9 lb - - held it eliminates boredom in a swamp dragon when playing9 shipwright's hammer Most shipwrights use a variety of hammers to fit the situation, along with other tools when necessary. But then again, most shipwrights do not climb overboard to repair the hull while the ship is still at sea. This hammer is for the ones that do. Embossed on its handle is the three-squares-in-a-triangle of the Mostly Legitimate Commerce Company.&&&&&&+4506 " &&&&&&+1502 " steel tool / fighting mace &&&&&&+5005/9 lb - - held it helps to repair the ship, scare seaweed away and break ice9 quartermaster's shovel The head of this lightweight steel shovel is edged with rubber, making it better at indoor work - for example, digging through junk to find supplies without damaging them. You couldn't break ground with it, though. Embossed on its handle is the three-squares-in-a-triangle of the Mostly Legitimate Commerce Company.&&&&&+36001 6/2 ' &&&&&&+4506 " steel / rubber tool / fighting polearm &&&&&+18002 lb - - held it helps searching in the storerooms6 gold and red coral ring This is a broad gold band with a thin groove running around its circumference. Set deep in the groove, flush with the surface and spaced evenly around the ring, are four polished red coral cabochons that almost glow with their distinctively intense pink-orange hue. Silver filigree on either side of the groove forms the shapes of curling, breaking waves. gold / red coral wearable jewellery &&&&&&&+105 g - - worn it makes swimming and floating easier like witches, or for a witch makes you swim like other people6 gold and mahogany ring This is a broad gold band inlaid with a smaller red mahogany band, the surface of the lacquered wood flush with the metal edges. The simplicity of the design places the bentwood mahogany in centre stage, tastefully displaying the grain of the wood. gold / mahogany wearable jewellery &&&&&&&+105 g - - twisting it summons a special chest, everyone gets the same chest3 small earring box This is a small, velvet-lined box just large enough to hold a couple of earrings.

It is closed.(Contains two mirrored earrings.)

&&&&&&+2253 " &&&&&&+2253 " cardboard / velvet wearable jewellery &&&&&&&+5025 g &&&&&&+4501/2 lb 2 a mirrored earring allows scrying the room with the other earring of the pair3 gilded treasure chest This is the sort of chest traditionally used by pirates to store their loot in, with a rectangular body and an arched cover. Most of it is composed of beautifully carved fragrant sandalwood, the carved art depicting valiant sailors pit against the dangers of the sea: inclement weather, sea monsters, and - the greatest foe of all - overconfidence. Its edges are reinforced with gilded steel, a lock of the same material ensuring that its contents remain secure from any treasure hunters.

It is closed.

&&&&&+72008 ' &&&&&+36004 ' sandalwood / steel / gold furniture &&&&+1000011 1/9 lb &&&+399600444 lb 120 9 mottled grey egg This is a large mottled grey egg, about a foot long. It feels a little moist to the touch. Perhaps, with time and warmth, it might hatch into something interesting.&&&&&&+9001 ' &&&&&&+6759 " unidentifiable material pet &&&&&+13501 1/2 lb - - hatches into a baby kraken (pet) after being carried for a whilePrice (ambergris) Short name Description Length Width Material Type Weight Holds lb Holds items Notes
Niknax - Discworld MUD Wiki (2024)


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.